Thursday, July 28, 2011

Slow Developing Pasta...

This week's post is certainly coming later in the week compared to other recent posts.  I am feeling the specter of school lurking over me... saying things like, "its almost over.... your flexible days are almost over... and then once again you will belong to meeeee... and you will have to work to get a paycheck like everyone else in the world...."  You have to kind of imagine all of that being spoken in kind of a soft eerie voice or it just loses all dramatic value.

I do have just a couple of things that are still floating around in my mind from Sunday.  In case you were not able to be there, the quick bullet is this- we covered most of 2 Corinthians 5 and talked about a couple of things.  One was that Paul does what he can in verses 1-10 to help us develop a proper balance toward our time on this earth.  We know that we would rather be "at home with the Lord", as Paul put it, but we also know that we do not know when that will happen.  Paul's words in 1-10 help us strike that proper balance between that forward looking desire to be with Jesus and living in the here and now.

We also discussed the concept of what it is to "fear the Lord."  In 11-19, Paul writes about how his life is different because he knows what it means to fear the Lord.  A proper and healthy "fear" of the Lord should make a difference in our lives as well.  In Paul's case, he even says, "If we are out of our mind, it is for the sake of God; if we are in our right mind, it is for you." (v. 13)  Our final bit of discussion on Sunday centered around the idea that any true enthusiast- about anything- will look a little crazy to the "lukewarm".  That is certainly the case with Jesus Christ.  People who are sold out to Christ look crazy to those who are lukewarm.  But Paul explains that it is Christ's love that compels him.  Now there is something for me to work on- getting to the point where I am so immersed in thinking about Christ's love for others that it compels me to action.  This is another great word choice- I wish I knew the original language on this one.  "Compels" says to me that there is no choice- that Paul was so immersed in the love of God that he cannot act apart from it.  

Later in verses 18-20, Paul speaks of the ministry we have been given.  (Remember back a couple of chapters- our confidence comes from God who has made us competent ministers of the new covenant.)  Now Paul reminds us that the ministry we have been given is a ministry of reconciliation.  Here is the text:

(verse 19)
"...that God was reconciling the world to himself in Christ, not counting people’s sins against them. And he has committed to us the message of reconciliation."

The thing that I thought of when I read this is that a great deal of the problems that arise in conjunction with our faith and the church and "Christianity" occur because people get this very concept backwards.  Here is what I mean.

The scripture says that this ministry is about reconciling man to God.  It is all about bringing sinful man back into a restored relationship with the Creator.  Many people, organizations, churches, and sometimes, (gasp!), even I, get it backwards.  We get the idea that what we have to do is reconcile God to man- that is "adjust" who God is so man can handle it.  Sadly there are churches that do just that!  Rather than approach the gap between man and God with the idea that man is the one who must change his ways, they try to create an environment where man is "just fine how he is", and it is God who must adapt.

This is not new.  It is just another manifestation of man living a man-centered life.  The man-centered mind says, "What can God do for me?"  The Christ-centered mind says, "What can I do for God?"  (Starting to sound a little "John F. Kennedy" here...)

The other thought that remains in my mind from this chapter is the role we play as ambassadors.  Paul finishes the chapter like this:

20 We are therefore Christ’s ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ’s behalf: Be reconciled to God. 21 God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.

When I read that I got to thinking about what if must be like to be an ambassador.  I think it would be a very challenging thing.  You certainly represent your home country, but in doing so, you would have great responsibility, (...resisting the obvious movie reference here...)  As a representative of your home government you would have to be very well versed in the policies of your country.  You would have to know policy inside and out and be ready to discuss it at the drop of a hat.  You would have to be able to use good judgement in the conversations and negotiations in which you engaged- the things you say would have to represent the official position of your country and you cannot just go off on a tangent and make things up.  Your job would be to "liaise" (another word I always wanted to use in a sentence), between your home country and those with whom you were talking.  You would have to find ways to bridge communication gaps and cultural gaps without compromising the values and policies of your home country.  As an official representative of the home country, you would be under constant scrutiny and your actions would reflect on the character and nature of your country.

Is this starting to sound an awful lot like our role here on earth?  Oh my goodness!  This is exactly what we are called to do for God!  We have to know the "policy".  We have to be prepared to discuss it.  We dare not wander away from the official position of the "home country".  We have to bridge gaps and find ways to gain trust without compromising the values of the one who sent us!

It is easy to get overwhelmed when we read scriptures like this one.  But we are promised the assistance of the Holy Spirit.  And we have the confidence we have already discussed.  We are up to the task.  We are competent.  And Christ's love compels us.

Just Keep Swimming...

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Inspiring Pasta...

Let's be clear- it is not my words that prompted the title of this post.  The source of the title is the content of 2 Corinthians 4.

When I think about new testament books that are just full of verses that I find inspiring and motivating, 2 Corinthians is not at the top of the list.  The gospels, Hebrews, Romans, 1 John... those are books that leap to mind when I think about great sources of pithy scripture that you just want to commit to memory as soon as you read it.  And perhaps not all of 2 Corinthians is like chapter 4.  But wow.  Paul was hitting on all cylinders when he wrote 2 Corinthians 4.  (I do not mean to say that some scriptures are more valuable than others- I hope you are catching my meaning here.  I just mean that sometimes you find verses that say just exactly what you need and say it well.)
Here in 2 Corinthians 4 we find an oasis of "life verses" and "highlightable" scripture.  Let's take a quick look back at some.

Jars of Clay (4:7)

We had a great discussion of that one on Sunday.  This verse just fascinates me.  It is another one of those "backward logic" things that God does so often.  If we have something we consider valuable, we put it in a protective container.  We want there to be a buffer between that valuable thing and the outside world.  But God does just the opposite.  He takes the most valuable treasure in all of creation- the truth of Jesus Christ- and places it inside these weak, frail, breakable  You and me.  From a human point of view, the logic is backwards!  And that is what I love so much about God's logic- its not human.

The treasure is greater than the container- that is certain.  Paul says that it is so in order that we might know that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from ourselves.  This all connects back to what Paul has been saying about his confidence in proclaiming the gospel.  We are weak and flawed vessels, but God has placed this treasure inside of us.  And because of what we carry inside of us, the "container" might just prove to be a little more resilient than what you might think!  Consider verses 8-9...

8 We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; 9 persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. 

Here we arrive at another "memory-worthy" idea in 2 Corinthians 4.  Because of God's all-surpassing power, (v. 7), these jars of clay might just be a little tougher than what you might expect!  This treasure we carry inside has a sustaining quality to it that goes beyond our circumstances!  We are "hard pressed", "perplexed", "persecuted", "struck down"... but none of that has any permanent effect!  None of that destroys the jar of clay! 

Perhaps we need to approach our day that way.  Perhaps we need to think, "I may be a jar of clay, but because of what is inside of me, I am one tough jar of clay!"   Those who carry Christ inside themselves are not like the rest of the world.  We do not fall apart when there is pressure or difficulty.  I don't mean to say we are unaffected- we are.  But looked at the scripture... "hard pressed but not crushed", "perplexed but not in despair", "persecuted but not abandoned",  "struck down but not destroyed."  If a jar of clay can go through all of that and come out in one piece, then there is something special about that jar of clay.  And that is exactly Paul's point!  There is something special about these jars of clay!  The contents!  The truth of the gospel!  The all-surpassing power of God!

Whew.  Got excited there.

You know, there is more in my mind that I could write, but I don't want this to turn into the Iliad.  There is the whole concept of carrying in our body the death of Jesus, (v. 10).  There is "I believed therefore I have spoken", (v. 13).  There is all of 16-18.  Wow.  

So here is the deal.  I am going to wrap this up for now with the thought, but not the promise, that there could be a SECOND BLOG POST THIS WEEK!!!!  TWO IN ONE WEEK!!! GASP!!!!

So lets leave today's post with this thought- let's hit the day thinking, "I might be a jar of clay, but I am one tough jar of clay... because of the all-surpassing power of God."

Just Keep Swimming...

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Competent Pasta...

Greetings all...

While you are doing your best to hydrate or just to stay inside and duck the heat, let's take a few minutes to revisit some thoughts about 2 Corinthians 3.

At the beginning of the chapter, Paul is talking with some pretty big words- talking about how "he don't need no stinking letter of recommendation..." (loose... very loose reference to "Sierra Madre" and "Blazing Saddles")  The point is, he spoke with great confidence saying that he did not need any letter of recommendation to represent his work in service of the gospel because the very lives of the Corinthian believers were evidence of his work.  Wow.  The more I think about it, the more I think it is like Tracy said in class- those are some pretty big claims and it is the sign of someone who was sold out to doing whatever it took to be sure those people had a proper understanding of Jesus Christ and His New Covenant.

But then he follows those words with a reminder of where the confidence comes from, and this is probably the thing that has stuck with me more than anything else as the week is getting started- Paul, (and we as well), could have confidence because:

  1. The confidence came/comes from God...
  2. and this confidence makes Paul/us "competent"...
  3. as ministers/servants...
  4. of this New Covenant
Grab on to what that means!  All of the excuses that I like to make about how this or that is not really in my "skill set", or how I am just "not gifted" in this way or that- all of that kind of talk is nonsense.  GOD has made ME a COMPETENT MINISTER of the NEW COVENANT.

We talked a bit on Sunday about that word, "competent".  (Some translations say "adequate".)  I mentioned how we tend to have a connotation that is attached to words like that.  Competent and adequate bring to our minds the picture of something that is "OK but not great".  I still think that is true, but I have been thinking about this whole idea since Sunday...

Sometimes I think we are hesitant to evaluate anything that has to do with God as "adequate".  I mean, come on, it sounds like we are giving some kind of "nominal" job performance review, right?  We want everything about God to be over the top- stellar- outstanding!

But let's think about it for a minute.  When the nation of Israel was wandering through the desert and needed food, God provided it... and it was "adequate".  It was manna- nothing fancy- not lobster bisque- not Filet Mignon- just manna.  It was sufficient.  It was adequate.

I would NEVER want to minimize what God does with His people, but I think that sometimes He just makes us "adequate" for the task.  Not stellar.  Not a superstar.  Just competent.  Enough to get the job done.  And it is in His wisdom that He does so!  Here is a personal example.

I believe that I am a competent Sunday School teacher.  Nothing stellar; nothing really remarkable; but solid- "up to the task".   And God knows that is how it needs to be.  If He made me some kind of superstar speaker, I don't think I would handle it very well.  I would begin to believe that I am pretty hot stuff and that they should move our class to a bigger room because, after all, people are going to be flocking to hear what "I" have to say!

But that is not how it works.  I say this with all of my heart: any good my teaching does for anyone is because of God and not because of me.  I believe that God has made me adequate and competent for the task.  And the same is true for any believer when it comes to the administration of the gospel.  We need not shrink back and doubt.  We can be bold and move forward with confidence because God has made us adequate.  We may not be "superstars", but we don't have to be.  There may be others around us who seem to have more "ability" than we do, but that is OK.  We can let God handle gifts and talents as He will, and just move forward with confidence- knowing that He makes us competent to do the work.

To do what work?  Well, that goes back to the rest of the list of 4 items above.  He makes us competent as ministers (or servants) of this New Covenant.

Paul had to deal with the momentum of the "Book of Moses"- basically the Old Testament.  We know that there were lots of people still living by the Law of Moses and not by the new pattern laid down by Jesus Christ.  And let's face it, the New Covenant was still a new thing then.  And when we compare the old and the new, it was quite a shift in thinking.  We have studied this pretty extensively, but lets think about this for a minute.

Here is a little table that compares some aspects of the old and new covenants:

Old Covenant
New Covenant
Based On...
Written Law
Living Spirit
Locus of control
Avoid death!
Live life!
A Strength "Sapper"
A Strength "Provider"
Relationship with God
Judge / Defendant
Father / Son
Glory Level

We have been over this- the Old Covenant was good- the new is better, (in fact, "best")  This table helps to illustrate some reasons why.  I want to go a bit further with a few, (not all), of the items in the table.  Think about...

Locus of Control:

Under the old covenant this thing that kept you "right with God" was a document- an "external source". It would have even been possible to do your best to follow the law even if you didn't want to.  Under the new covenant, the locus or "center" of control shifts to the internal.  We follow God's word because we want to and we choose to- in fact, that is what makes the difference.  If we do all of the "right things" but have an insincere heart, God knows it.  And, when we fail, God knows and see our hearts.  He knows our intentions.  And that makes all of the difference.


Keeping the commands of the old covenant would have been exhausting.  I would not have lasted a week.  And it was all up to the person to live according to the law.  There was no provision in the law for "help".  It would have been a real strength "sapper".  It would have worn me out.  In contrast, under the new covenant, we are promised help and strength in the form of God's Holy Spirit.  The responsibilities are great, but we are promised the kind of help that never fails!  Strength is provided as a part of the covenant!  It is one of the provisions!

The Challenge of the New vs. the Old: (not in the table above)

I can see why Paul had his work cut out for him.  The new covenant was pretty much new thing.  But what about now?  We don't have to deal with that "Old vs. New" issue, right?  Well... yes.  In some cases, it is still a matter of helping people understand the role of the old covenant and how the new has superseded the old.  There are plenty of people who do not understand that.

But here is the other thing... even when we are not talking about Old and New Testament, there are still "old vs. new" issues.  We have to be very careful that we do not get so comfortable with our routines or our manner of worship that we reject anything "new" that comes along.  We must always be seeking God's wisdom and guidance to see where He wants us to go next, because He never really holds still, (He is a lot like Jolie in that respect... or maybe Jolie is like Him).

There are plenty of churches that will not consider anything "new" because "its just not the way we do things around here", or because, "we have never done it that way before", or even, "its NEVER been done that way before.

When it was first proposed, the idea of anesthesia was considered, "of the devil" because nothing like that had ever been done.  Groundbreaking classical composers, like Wagner, were rejected and ridiculed at first because their style was different than anything that had come before.  It is a part of human nature to be wary of or to reject the "new".

And here we, Plainfield Christian Church, sit on the verge of a church plant.  Something new.  Something that, for us, has never been done before.  I hope I am wrong, but I can just about anticipate that there will be people who will shake their heads and say, "Boy, Plainfield Christian really went downhill after they split up", or "That church was never the same again after that..."  Well, they would be right about one thing- I think we will not be the same.  And I can't wait to see what it looks like.

I pray that I never fall victim to the kind of thinking that looks at the advance of God's kingdom and says, "well, that's just not how we do things".  That is what Paul was referring to in 2 Cor. 3: 12-18 when he spoke of the "veil".  Those people who insisted on giving their allegiance to the law of Moses would never be able to see the truth of Jesus Christ.  "But whenever anyone turns to the Lord, the veil is taken away." (2 Cor. 3:16)  And unveiled faces can reflect the glory of the Lord.

A lot to think about.

Just Keep Swimming...


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Triumphant Pasta...

I want to return once again to the image of the "triumphal procession" that Paul conjures in 2 Corinthians 2.  There are so many phrases that bring mental images to my mind in the passage (2:12-17), and there is some historical background that makes Paul's words come to life even more.

In the passage we encounter phrases like, "triumphal procession", "the fragrance of the knowledge of him", "the aroma of Christ", "the smell of death", and "the fragrance of life".  Pretty sensory stuff.  You can almost see the "parade".  You can think of things that, to you, smell full of life- or even things that, to you, smell like death.  These words invite us to engage our senses in the reading.

But there is  bit of historical context that makes this passage even more vibrant.  When Paul wrote these words it is very likely that he was calling to the reader's mind the image of a "Roman Triumphal".  A Roman Triumphal, although not all that common of an occurrence, would have been a well known thing to most everyone at the time.

A Triumphal was an honor afforded to a victorious general in the Roman army.  It was a huge event and was a real celebration.  But there were certain criteria to earning a Triumphal, and there were certain components that connect here very nicely.

A general could not be honored with a Triumphal unless he had served in the field of battle.  No "remote command" here.  The general had to have fought in battle.  The campaign which the general commanded had to be complete.  No Triumphal for winning a battle- it had to be the war.  In order to earn a Triumphal, the campaign conducted by the general had to have gained new territory.  No parade for successfully defending a stronghold or for "re-taking" lost ground.  There had to be positive gain.  The victory had to be won against a foreign foe- no prize for winning in a civil war.  

The spoils of war were paraded through the streets in a Triumphal, along with captured enemy soldiers and leaders who were on their way to prison and execution.  And priests marched along swinging censers filled with incense- so much so that the aroma of the victory parade permeated the city.

Well, there is more, but need we go any further?  Wow.  Do we see the Conquering Savior here?  The campaign complete, (death defeated), the "general" serving in the field, (He came and walked among us...), positive gain bringing new "territory", (victory over death for the Jew and the Gentile)... oh my.  What a victorious procession!
And imagine the whole scene with the captives and the incense... That smell- the aroma of the incense- would have smelled wonderful to those who were on the side of the victor.  It would have literally been the smell of victory.  But to those who were captured and were marching to their execution... the smell would have just reminded them of their defeat and their destiny- the smell of death.

To those who accept the Son of God, the aroma of the triumphal procession that Paul speaks of is wonderful.  It is like walking into my Grandmother's house and smelling her homemade noodles in progress.  It is like the smell of bread baking.  It is like the smell of a hardware store. (Not that I am good with any of the things you would find in a hardware store- but I DO like the smell...)  It is inviting- it is comforting- it is appetizing.
But to those who choose not to retain the things of God- to those who reject His son, it is like working with sulfur in chemistry lab.  It is like not just passing the skunk but actually hitting the skunk, (for you, Ed)  It is like the diaper pail at the end of the week.  It is repulsive- it is sickening- and it is dreadful.

I just know which side I want to be on.

Just Keep Swimming...


Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Pasta on Twitter?

Just a short note today- more to come soon, (I hope!)

You can now get extra bites of pasta on Twitter.  If you have a Twitter account, you can follow @thepastamaker and get occasional additional small helpings (140 characters or less) of Closer Walk pasta throughout the week.

I would not want anyone to misunderstand the "twittername" I chose for this account.  I do not "make the truth".  This is God's truth and I do my best to handle it carefully.  I just whip up my own dishes and do my best to serve it.

If you are new or have forgotten, the whole "pasta" thing is explained here.

So, if you have a twitter account, jump in!  If you do not have one, this would be the perfect time!

That's the news for now!

Just Keep Swimming...
