Excuses, excuses...
There has not been a post on this blog for a couple of weeks- this I know. There are reasons, but not excuses. The reasons include the final production blitz of the 8th Grade Video project - a project about which I tell myself every year that I am going to "spread the work" throughout the entire school year and never do- and, the whole Great Swelling of '09.
I am very sorry for the way last Sunday turned out. No one has any good medical explanation for why my face would wait until 4 days after a minor out-patient procedure and then balloon to Cabbage Patch proportions. I think I know why it happened though- it is related to the aforementioned video project. I think that God knew that there was no way on this green earth that I was going to finish that video if I had to go to school on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of this last week. So, in His inimitable style, He arranged circumstances that allowed me to be home with good reason and to continue work on the project.
Anyway, my appearance is now just about as good as it ever is, and I am merging back into the flow of human traffic. And thus, on with Sunday School we go!
This week we will get to work on our study of Genesis. I am hoping to make this a 6-8 weeks study of some major points in the book. There are 50 chapters and that is a little much for a chapter by chapter study right now (not that it would be a bad thing- its just a little long)
This week we will look at some things to get us started. We have to have a reference point. I want to look at how the book is divided, why the book is important to us, and a little about how Genesis is interpreted by different groups of people these days. This discussion will help to set up where we are headed in the next handful of weeks.
Looking forward to getting back at it!
Just Keep Swimming!
Jon and Melanie
Nice photo. Hope this is not related to the PCMS lockdown I read about on WTHR.com